Cindy Axne tweeted the following:
"It's peak international travel season, and it's essential to apply for a passport well in advance of your trip.If you live in #IA03 and are having trouble with your passport application or renewal, reach out to my team! (515) 400-8180"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Cindy Axne:
"Consumers need to know EXACTLY what they're getting when it comes to their medications without having to wade through deceptive marketing tactics.I introduced the Banning Misleading Drug Ads Act with @RepSpanberger to put a stop to this & increase transparency for consumers."Read on Twitter
"Watch regularly?Chances are youve seen commercials for medications with pretty images of beaches, flowers, dancing people you name it.While they make for great T.V., Big Pharma uses them to distract consumers from the potentially harmful side effects of their drugs."Read on Twitter
"I've said this before, & I'll keep saying it: the only people who should be involved in women's health care decisions are women, their families, & their doctors not the gov't.I met with @ppadvocatesia this week to discuss the road ahead to protect women's reproductive rights." on July 8Read on Twitter