Cindy Axne tweeted the following:
"The big four meatpackers have long controlled the market for their own financial gain and pushed local producers out of business.I wrote to @TheJusticeDept asking for an update on their investigation into these corporations' market manipulation."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Cindy Axne:
"I'm excited to honor Jeff May, Public Works Director for the City of Clive & one of @APWATWEETS' Top 10 Public Works Leaders of the Year, as #IowanOfTheWeek.He has worked to improve the city for its residents for 7 years & we're so grateful for his"Read on Twitter
"Cover crops are an environmentally-friendly way to enrich the soil for higher yields, and Iowa has led the way in creating programs to help farmers plant these crops.@RepCasten and I introduced a bill to make programs like this available nationwide." on July 27Read on Twitter
"Have you checked out my Inflation Action and Resource Page?" on July 27Read on Twitter