Cindy Axne tweeted the following:
"Investments that I helped secure in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are beginning to land in Iowa!$5 million will go toward planning and infrastructure so Iowa can expand its high-speed internet access for all."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Cindy Axne:
"Broadband helps create equal learning opportunities for kids in school, expands telehealth options, and helps our small businesses compete."Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"Iowa is the second largest state for agriculture exports, so I helped introduce the SMART Act to expand farm bill programs that develop new market opportunities for Iowa farmers and rural" on Nov. 4Read on Twitter
"Glad to be joined by local veterans, community leaders, and higher education professionals in Waukee today to discuss the important work we must do to help our veterans and service members leverage their valuable skills and find gainful, fulfilling employment back home." on Nov. 3Read on Twitter