Cindy Axne tweeted the following:
"Costs are continuing to rise, and Iowa families need help NOW to make ends meet.I just released by Inflation Action and Resource Page to connect folks with information and resources they can use to navigate this tough time.Check it out."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Cindy Axne:
"We must protect the many families who rely on the constitutional right to marriage equality. I'm voting YES on the Respect for Marriage Act to enshrine marriage equality in federal law and ensure same-sex and interracial marriages will continue to be recognized." on July 19Read on Twitter
"Iowa has some of the worst puppy mills in the nation, & I've made it my mission to end this cruelty & make sure animals get loving homes.It was an honor to be recognized by @bailingoutbenji for this work & to show these animal rights champions around the Capitol today!" on July 19Read on Twitter
"Airlines received more than $50 billion in COVID-19 relief money to help return service back to normal, but instead, they've used it to line their pockets.I'm fighting to hold them accountable and get Americans where they need to go on" on July 19Read on Twitter